Wednesday, March 3, 2010

WAR & HART Team Up for "Speak Out for Shelter Animals" Event at Hunter College

On the eve of February 14, 2010, Pet Theft Awareness Day, activists and other compassionate New Yorkers gathered at an event co-sponsored by the group HART (Hunter Animal Rights Team) and WAR (Win Animal Rights).

The program began with a presentation on the subject of pet theft and the on-going fine work of Last Chance for Animals, a group based in Los Angeles, with a long and successful history of dealing with companion animal issues.

After a short talk by Camille Hankins, the film "Dealing Dogs" was screened and a short Q & A followed. Hankins encouraged audience members to visit the Last Chance for Animals website to purchase copies of Dealing Dogs and other useful tools.

Next, presentations were made by various individuals about WAR's Justice for Oreo Campaign to reform the ASPCA, Oreo's Law and the sentencing of Oreo's first abuser, Fabian Henderson.

Discussion of Nathan Winograd's work with No Kill Solutions and videos about the work of Best Friends, DogTown: the Vicktory Dogs (pit bulls seized from Michael Vick) and Pets Alive Sanctuary were shown. This was followed by a general discussion of what a No Kill sanctuary is and how the ASPCA, which calls itself No Kill, is really deluding the public.

Following the program, the audience was welcomed to help themselves to a table full of vegan snacks and treats.

Our thanks to Chris DeRose and Last Chance for Animals for providing Dealing Dogs and their history of inspirational work, HART for arranging for and setting up the space, Louise, Donny and Teresa for all of the delicious food, Danielle & Maggie for the yummy cookies and Adam for the Raw Revolution bars.

For more pictures, see: